Stop Trying to Be Yourself and Just Be

When you’re too scared to shine for fear of being an outcast, when you play small because you’re afraid of being big, when you give to others while denying yourself, and when you use busyness as an excuse not to nurture and look after yourself, you are not being authentic.

We know when we’re being true to ourselves; equally, we sense when we are not, even if we don’t like to admit it. Being inauthentic has a distinct, uncomfortable, jarring quality. Have you ever been in the company of someone and felt an intuitive distrust, a sense that what they’re saying doesn’t quite fit? That is because inauthenticity is loud and exhausting; it takes energy to hide the truth, project falsehoods, and suppress genuine feelings.

I sometimes wonder if understanding authenticity is complicated or my thinking makes it so. I believe being authentic is something we innately understand, even if we can’t articulate it. Being authentic means aligning my internal and external worlds—my mental, emotional, physical, intuitive, and spiritual intelligence. It’s where my behaviours, words, and actions reflect my values, beliefs, and feelings. It includes being genuine, transparent, and true rather than adapting to external expectations or societal norms. It also means being present, honest, and open, which radiates a vibe of trust and integrity within myself and in interactions with others.

Authenticity is our finely-tuned bullshit barometer that sees the truth more clearly through actions rather than words.  In our quest for authenticity, we can get caught up in striving to be our ‘true selves’ instead of just being our true selves.


Essential Ingredients for Being Authentic

  1. Self-Awareness: Understand and be aware of your values, beliefs, emotions, and motivations.
  2. Integrity: Consistently align your behaviours and actions with your values and beliefs, creating a sense of ease between your mental, emotional, physical, and intuitive intelligence.
  3. Honesty: Communicate truthfully and openly, even when it’s challenging.
  4. Vulnerability: Be willing to be seen and heard in your truth, sharing your true feelings, even when it feels uncomfortable or risky.
  5. Practice: Engage in being authentic because, without this practice, it’s easy to lose connection with your true self and fall into patterns of inauthenticity.


To cultivate authenticity:

  1. Start with awareness.
  2. Observe and notice what is going on inside you.
  3. Become aware of your unconscious and conscious feelings, thoughts, and actions.
  4. Begin to practice what you learn.


If you need some help or would like step by step instructions, reach out or booking a Clarity Uncovered  session.

Ultimately, authenticity is about bridging the gap between who you are and the image you present to the world. It requires you to observe and notice what’s going on inside so you can align what goes on outside.

Authenticity is a by-product of being you. It gives you an edge and a power that no one can compete with.

In every moment, you have the choice to be true to yourself.


Be your Inspiration.