Doing Less Can Mean More

When I think about the fact that we all have 24 hours a day, I get baffled. Why do some people appear to have cracked the code? They seem to live in alignment with their values and passions, have successful businesses or careers, take holidays, make great impact, and radiate love and joy whilst contributing to their communities. 

It sounds too good to be true, but it is not. 

I get that time is the great equaliser, and we all have 24 hours a day regardless of our culture, status, or beliefs. So, it’s not about how much we have but what we do with the time we have. Lately, I have been feeling stretched. I am doing a juggling act with many responsibilities, and I don’t feel like I am doing a great job at most things. I have slipped into habitual patterns of not focusing with full energy and attention. 

My clarity and mental and emotional intelligence have gone on holiday, and the more confused version of me is ruling the roost and is oblivious to the difference between activity and productivity. 

Being busy isn’t the same as moving forward, but it does give me a sense of accomplishment, especially when I tick things off my pretty list. 

I recently read the book THE ONE THING by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. They highlighted that success doesn’t come from doing everything adequately but from mastering a few things exceptionally well. It’s about focusing our attention on the things that matter most and inviting a sense of purpose, meaning and connection into your daily experience.

I definitely want to feel like my efforts align with my dreams and purpose and that my actions shape a future that resonates with my passions and values. What about you?

So, here’s a question I am now asking: Am I focused on what matters most to my heart and life?  Am I moving closer to your dreams or just crossing things off a list?

I am swapping my to-do list for a how I want to be list. Instead of focusing on tasks, I am focusing on qualities I want to embody. Imagine approaching your day with the intention of being confident, clear, compassionate, and decisive. 

How might it be different to live from a place of being rather than just doing? 

When I focus on being instead of doing, I become a better version of myself in my work, family, relationships, and passions, and guess what? My productivity naturally increases. 

So, next time you plan your day, ask yourself: How do I want to show up today and what truly matters? What will make the biggest difference? 

Ultimately, it’s not about how much we do but how we choose to show up for the things that matter most.

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