Navigating Beyond Excuses

Navigating beyond excuses

We are all unique adventures in life’s journey, and we have subtle influences that often go unnoticed whilst significantly shaping our journey. They are named Excuses. Yes, you read that right. While making excuses seems as natural as breathing, especially when we face the unknown or the uncomfortable, it’s worth pondering how these seemingly harmless detours influence the quality of our adventure.


What Are Excuses?

Excuses are those whispers convincing us of what we can’t do, who we can’t be, or how impossible our goals are. They are the guardians of our comfort zone, protectors of our ego, and architects of a reality where we’re never at fault. Dwayne Dwyer once said, “Excuses are the explanations we use for hanging onto behaviours we don’t like about ourselves; they are self-defeating behaviours we don’t know how to change.” Excuses are not just reasons but our secret escape routes from responsibility, growth, and even our deepest desires.


Why Do We Make Excuses?

At the heart of our excuses lies fear and uncertainty. Fear of failure, fear of judgment, and the daunting thought of stepping out of our comfort zones. And let’s not forget the societal pressures of competition and comparison, where the fear of not being good enough can paralyse us into inaction. Then, there’s the pressure of a clear purpose or direction which leads us to procrastination and doubt.

The problem with excuses is not just in their creation but in their impact. They prevent us from achieving our potential, learning from our mistakes, and living authentically. They erode trust, diminish self-esteem, and can become habitual responses dictating our actions. In essence, excuses keep us from truly living.

How often have you said, “I don’t have the energy,” or “It’s not the right time”? From proclaiming you’re too busy, tired, old, or young to deferring your dreams to a future that never arrives, excuses come in all shapes and sizes. They’re versatile, adaptable, and always available.


Let go. 

The first step towards any change is awareness, where we can notice the excuses, we make and the impact they have. When you notice you are making excuses, you can ask yourself, Is it true? more importantly, is it absolutely true? Is this excuse moving towards what I want or keeping me safe in my restricted comfort zone? Does it add value to my life, or does it detract?

This simple practice of being aware and noticing reveals how these thoughts shape our reality and how liberating it can be to let them go. Imagine your life without these self-imposed limits. How different might it be?

I invite you to look at your excuses with an attitude of kindness and curiosity, remembering they have served you in some way. If you are willing to explore what lies beyond them, you can find a wealth of insight. Perhaps there lies the greatness and happiness you have been seeking.

Letting go of our excuses uncovers boundless possibilities because, in the end, it’s not about the excuses we’ve made in the past but the life we chose to live without excuses beyond our current comfort zone.

As Wayne Dwyer would say, “Excuses gone.”













Have a go and see what changes.