Self Care Revival

In the gentle calm of the morning, when the first light paints the sky, and the world whispers to life, there’s a precious moment. In this quiet awakening, it’s here where we can check in and see how we are going: How am I feeling today? What are my thoughts focusing on? Are these thoughts […]

Navigating Beyond Excuses

Navigating beyond excuses We are all unique adventures in life’s journey, and we have subtle influences that often go unnoticed whilst significantly shaping our journey. They are named Excuses. Yes, you read that right. While making excuses seems as natural as breathing, especially when we face the unknown or the uncomfortable, it’s worth pondering how […]

Self Liberation – Rewiring Mind, Body and Soul

Let’s talk about something profound yet beautifully simple: Self-Liberation. It’s all about shaking off the old layers of ourselves, expanding our consciousness, and stepping into the magic of creating a brand-new version of who we are. Picture it like shedding an old skin to reveal a vibrant, refreshed self underneath. Consider this: our brains are […]

Beyond Surface Dwelling And Into The Heart

At times, I find myself merely skimming the surface of life, moving from one task to the next without fully immersing in the richness of each moment. And this tendency toward surface dwelling leads to a sense of disconnection, emptiness, stress, and unfulfillment.   Surface dwelling is a term I came up with to describe what […]

Transforming a Blank Canvas 2024

Greetings to you all in this promising new year of 2024! As we stand on the threshold of fresh opportunities, I find immense joy in the prospect of redesigning my life. For me, the new year signifies a clean slate—a blank canvas upon which we can paint a new picture, write a new narrative, and […]

Festive Joy

During this enchanting time of the year, we often find ourselves swept up in a whirlwind. So, it is essential to take a step back, pause, breathe, and ponder the season’s true essence and what it means to each of us. Beyond the looming deadlines and inevitable chaos, there lies an extraordinary opportunity to fully […]

Embracing Mindfulness as the Year Ends: A Gateway to Serenity and Reflection

As the year draws to a close, it’s only natural to find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of holiday festivities, year-end deadlines, and the anticipation of a new beginning. In the midst of the chaos, there exists a powerful tool that can help us navigate these turbulent times with grace and poise—mindfulness. Join me as […]

Stress-Free Living Amidst Life’s Hustle and Bustle

We all wear the crown of decision-maker, boundary-setter, visionary, purpose-seeker, goal-chaser, and desire-maker. Yet, amid all this power, things can sometimes go amiss, and we unwittingly become stress creators. Even though we can consciously orchestrate our lives with grace and authority, making choices that align with our values, dreams, and ambitions, we sometimes allow stress […]

Distracted World

I must admit when I do not intentionally focus my attention, my mind wanders, and I transform into a multitasker. Several times this week, I have driven somewhere and arrived at my destination without consciously remembering the journey. My mind has been wandering, dragging me away from the present moment and into the abyss of […]

Unveiling the Self

Life is like a meandering river, taking us through twists and turns, ebbs and flows, ups and downs. For many women, it’s a journey marked by myriad roles and duties – nurturing children, being a taxi driver, tending to aging parents, building careers, and managing households. But for most, there comes a time when the […]