Imposter Experience

Imposter syndrome or imposter experience as I like to call it is more commonly thought to be for the high achievers but is in fact something we all struggle with. I remember when my book MY Power Statement was first published, and I went into Planet bookshop, and there it was on the shelf right […]

Have a bit of nothing

I am back and feeling great, although I have to admit I have had some resistance to reengaging after a beautiful festive holiday. I am not sure what is going on, but I feel a shift  and many I have spoken to also feel it. I hear them say……. I have decided to cull and […]

Acceptable Addiction

I have been listening to the same story from different people in different professions living very different lives.

Spring is the perfect time to do it

Hi Wow, it is sort of here, Spring is in the air, and I feel the brighter light and warmer temperatures energising my soul. During winter months, I tend to become more introspective and not so keen to venture out into the rain and cold which makes it a perfect time to take a pause […]

It Is The Small Things That Matter

We all know it, whether it is visible or not, we see the rapidly changing environments in which we live.  We notice technology advancing at a rapid rate and what yesterday seemed to be a scene in a Sci-Fi movie is now a reality. Many times, I have read articles suggesting things like, by the […]

You have a Quest to fulfil

We each have a secret quest to find what we are here to do and who we need to be to succeed in our quest. Most people believe the challenge arises in discovering what the quest is. Not so. There are many people walking this earth in a quiet state of tension trying to work […]

Are you creative or logical?

The feminine, void of masculine qualities can be viewed as wildly creative – you may be fortunate enough to know some wildly creative women. The masculine, void of feminine qualities can be viewed as staunchly logical, you may be fortunate enough to know some awesome logical men. Men can be creative, women can be logical, […]

Eyes wide open but Asleep

There is a part of self that is kind of delusional. It is constantly talking, rarely listening and believes its thoughts and opinions are always RIGHT.

The Driver Within

Sometimes our lives are challenging not because of external influences but because of internal influences. I am talking about the driver within. The primal function of the driver is to transport you from your current location to a new destination. You pick the destination and the driver focuses on getting you there to the exclusion of […]